About us

St. Xavier’s High School, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India is one of the first schools established in the year 1985. It is a co-educational, un-aided institution affiliated to the Maharashtra State Board of Education (SSC & HSC) set up with the objective of providing comprehensive education in English medium to students from Nursery up to Standard XII. Ideally located about 1.3 km from Nerul Railway Station and with a great history of more than three decades Xavier’s is a haven for the children where schooling is an experience by itself which the children would cherish throughout their life.
We want the children to develop thinking and learning skills thus enabling them to flourish by being resilient, resourceful and receptive learners. We are passionately committed to our vision for providing the very best of education and infrastructure facilities to mould children into responsible citizens of tomorrow. We provide a rich curriculum that exposes them to a wealth of experiences, knowledge and skills.
From a humble beginning with 35 students the school has grown in leaps and bounds with about 5600 students and now stands tall in all its glory on an imposing School Building with three floors of about 4800 square meters and an adjoining ground of about 5000 square meters.
In the year 2003 the Junior College was established and later subjects like Information Technology and Computer Science were introduced. We are proud to announce the opening of streams for Commerce and Arts from academic year 2023-24 in the Junior College for students who aspire to have careers in these areas.